LCAC President Joemorris Kalapele visit to Liberia
Tuesday, January 7, 2013, Monrovia, Liberia
Students benefiting from 20 scholarships awarded by the Liberian Community Association of Connecticut presented an award to LCAC president Joseph Morris Kalapele for the Liberian Community Association of Connecticut.

President of LCAC Scholars at University of Liberia present award to Liberian Community in Connecticut
LCAC President Joemorris Kalapele also presented Mr. William Karpeh an award for his comittment as scholarship coordinator for LCAC in Liberia.
LCAC Scholarship Award to University StudentLCAC Scholarship Award to University StudentLCAC Scholarship Award to University of Liberia StudentLCAC Scholarship Award to University of Liberia Student
LCAC President also presented each student with a scholarship award certificate. The president of the LCAC scholarship award also received an award.
President Kalapele 1st meeting with LU StudentsPresident Kalapele 1st meeting with LU StudentsPresident Kalapele 1st meeting with LU StudentsPresident Kalapele 1st meeting with LU StudentsDr. Dennis with Joe at cook-bow shop on Carey St.
First Meeting with students of LU in Liberia
Dr. Dennis and Joe meeting in cook-bow shop on Carey St.
Baby Totimeh, daughter of LCAC Financial Secretary in MonroviaMeeting with the bereaved family of former LCAC Board member George Aplex Doe. Condolences on LCAC behalfTaking quiet time offSupporting brother Quiqui, senior engineer at the Liberian Civil Aviation Back to work. Visiting the new story building under construction for the New Eye Sight Center. Thanks to Newtown CT.Visiting the new story building under construction for the New Eye Sight Center. Thanks to Newtown CT.Visiting the new story building under construction with Eye surgeon Robert DOLO for the New Eye Sight Center. Thanks to Newtown CT.Visiting the the Miller School to set up the visit for the U.S Embassy in MonroviaVisiting the the Miller School to set up the visit for the U.S Embassy in MonroviaVisiting the the Miller School to set up the visit for the U.S Embassy in MonroviaAt the US embassy in Monrovia. Saying sorry for Newton tragedy on 
Liberia's behalf, and the Liberian Community of Connecticut. 20 kids in action representing the 20 slain children in Newton, Connecticut.20 kids in action representing the 20 slain children in Newton, Connecticut.20 kids in action representing the 20 slain children in Newton, Connecticut.20 kids in action representing the 20 slain children in Newton, Connecticut.20 kids in action representing the 20 slain children in Newton, Connecticut.20 kids in action representing the 20 slain children in Newton, Connecticut.20 kids in action representing the 20 slain children in Newton, Connecticut.20 kids in action representing the 20 slain children in Newton, Connecticut.One more break to FreetownThe Ferry is the big challengeThis is not LIB bo. check around.Guinea car break down.One night in Spain and call it a quit. Wonderful experience. Liberia is growing strong.Back to work. Meeting with the dad of Anthony Smith. One of LCAC young and talented Anthony Smith Family in Clara Town MonroviaFulfilling the promise to hug Tony Smith Mom for the great work he's doing for Liberians in CTSaying Good bye to Mr. Manston Totimeh Jr. The son of the late Esther Dennis pay a special visit to Say THANKS to the Liberian Community Association of ConnecticutA final look at the prison where rebels kept Joe for 7 days at the Liberian Sierra Leone border. Following the path brought back memories.Liberian Transport Authority at Bo water side. Back Home to my Baby boy.
Defending LCAC Interest in Liberia
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